Is alcoholism a disease?
Yes, alcoholism is a progressive, degenerative and chronic, with symptoms that include a strong need to drink despite negative consequences. The disease is characterized by physical damage to all body systems, the most complicated those related to the cardiovascular system, nervius system and liver. When alcohol consumption is exaggerated or recurrent tolerance occurs. That is, the body requires greater amounts of alcohol to get the same feeling. This situation makes the addiction, which is accompanied by great difficulties to stop when consumpion starts drinking. By suspending the use of alcohol, they develop symptoms such as nausea, tremors and anxiety. Moreover, the alcohlic loses interest in his surroundings, which can result in the loss of his job and his familiy.
What are the immediate effects of alcohol consumption?
The effects are shown in a sequence of stages, if the individual is sill drinking and according to the quantity and type of beverage ingested. It also influences the amount of food found in the stomach, the body weight of the person and the circumstances in which the drinking: Firts: The subject is relaxed, becomes talkative, sociable and uninhibited, because the alcohol first depresses nerve centers that control the inhibition of impulses, so the behavior is released, the individual seems excited. Second: The behavior is essentially emotional, erratic, there are problems of judgment and there is difficulty in muscle coordination,and imparied vision and balance. Third: The individual has mental confusion, staggers when walking, double vision, and behavioral variables reactions: panic, aggressiveness and crying. Moreover it has serious difficulties to properly pronounce words and to understand what is being said. Fourth: Inability to sand up, vomiting, urinary incontinence, stupor, unconsciousn ess approach. Fifth: unconsciousness, absent reflexes. Coma that can lead to death by respiratory paralysis. What happens is that when a person ingests a drink, 20% of alcohol in the drink is immediately absorbed through the stomach lining and into the blood. The other 80 % is processed a little more slowly and is absorbed from the smallintestine into the blood to circulate. If ingestion of alcohol stops or continues in moderation, alcohol levels in the blood will remain low, as the healthy liver can metabolize them, with the help of alcohol elimination in urine and breath. However, when the speed of ingestion and the amount taken beyond the possibility of deleting it hinder muscle coordination and balance, are impeding the memory and judgment, plus you can reach states of intoxication that endanger life.
What are the consequences of over-consumption?
After some time to abuse alcohol, they will deteriorate in various organs such as the stomach, liver, kidneys and heart, and the nervous system. There are a number of diseases associated with repeated use of alcohol, such as liver cirrhosis and heart disease. Some studies show that people who are new to the abuse of alcohol from young people, have a life expectancy of 5 - 10 years younger than those who do not experience this. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs for pregnant woman because the woman's body becomes alcohol cell damaging substances that are absorbed by the fetus. In large amounts increases the risk of birth defects, such as "fetal alcohol syndrome", which involves the formation of a small skull, abnormal features, physical and mental retardation. Drinking alcohol in late pregnancy, may also affect the fetus. In the cardiovascular system, increases the risk of heart disease, driking increases the levels of lipids ( fats in the blood) that can lead to atherosclerosis, increases the risk of early death and a heart attack, and the development of cardiomopatia. In the nervous system, damage to the central nervous system is recognizad after many years, developed neurological problems may occur due to lack of vitamin B. The gastrointestinal system is probably the most damaged by the effects of alcohol consumption. We can see facial ulcers ( bleeding ulcers and perforating), pancreas problems and increased incidence of developing esophageal cancer. Or alcoholics may develop cirrhosis. In the first stage of cirrhosis, liver cells accumulate damage and fat droplets, the more cells undergo this infiltration, liver expands more. If drinking continues, scars from until ir becomes irreversible.
What is alcohol abuse?
Alcohol abuse occurs when the drinker gets to feel intoxicated and unable to meet its obligation or endanger his life and that of others when driving, excessive risk taking or making violent behavior under the influence of alcohol. If these episodes where heavy drinking is frequently repeated, may develop dependence or alcoholism.
Can alcoholism be cured?
Not yet. Alcoholism is a treatable disease and medication has become avilable to prevent relapse, but the cure has yet been found. This means it is possible to sustain abstinence for an extended period of time, thereby improving the health of the alcoholic, but relapse is an ongoing risk.
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