Smoking is perjudicial to health
. The relationship between smoking and the development of many serious diseases is becoming clearer.
This has led to increased consultations and community mental health care.
OMS considered an addiction to dependence snuff.
Such dependence, as well as many others, must be address properly since nicotine can control some important aspect of the behavior of a person.
Like other euphoriant substances (alcohol and cocaine), snuff can produce effects that are involved in mood of the person and his deprivation triggers search behavior of the substance.
The cigarette smokers have a significantly reduced life expectancy compared to the rest of the population.
The cigarette smokers have a significantly reduced life expectancy compared to the rest of the population.
Some authors have estimated that 5,5 minutes of lives lost for each cigarette smoked. In the packs authors 30-35 years old of cigarettes a day, life expectancy decreases 8-9 years compared to a non- smoker of the same age.
Treatments: currently there are a variety of interventions to help the smoker to quit their habit, many of whom have better long term, between 6 and 12 months. Numerous studies have demostrating than the determinate treatment that incorporate the change of behavior of the person are those that offer a greater chance of success.
For treatment to be effective must be met three stages.
-Commitment to quit and goal setting.

-Iniciar, behavioral management techniques and relaxation, individual follow-up, ect.
-Maintenace of quitting: mainly preparing to face the withdrawal symptoms, as many of the people who have borne at least one symptom of nicotine with drawal.
The latter is very important because it is responsible for 70% of quitters falls in that same years.
What constitutes care personal?
Personal care is basically having a good diet, and frequent brindarse grooming careful attire of our health.
Feeding : It consists in obtaining, preparing and eating food. A good diet include a prepared diet that contains adequate amounts of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamines, and minerales.
Health : It is the state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity.